Geodatafy Release Information, Hits: 665, Comments: 2, Bookmarked: 0, Followers: 1

This section holds lrelease information and known issues for Geodatafy

Last Modified: %AM, %29 %465 %2019

%AM, %11 %436 %2019
0% of 0 votes

Known issues:

Version 2


Data Tools

BUG-144 Admin > Data Tools > Exporting or importing very large selections of data causes 'timeout' in the web client. The issue arrises when a user selects a large number of items in one go to be exported or imported. Work around: select smaller number of items for export / import process. The issue can be eased by increasing the timeout value for the ARR Module in IIS. Default setting is 120 seconds.

06:41 AM, Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Version 2


Prosource Log Provider

BUG-179 Depending on certain loading conditions of log curve data some log curves may not be queried correctly then displayed in the Subsurface viewer when sent directly from Well Logs datatype.


Locate the same Well from the Well datatype and send this item to the Subsurface viewer. It should appear with any related well logs

04:09 AM, Friday, 29 November 2019